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- ED Clawson, DZ Radecki, J Samanta. Immunofluorescence assay for demyelination, remyelinations, and proliferation in an acute cuprizone mouse model (2023). Star Protocols
- DZ Radecki, J Samanta. Endogenous Neural Stem Cell Mediated Oligodendrogenesis in the Adult Mammalian Brain. (2022) Cells, 11(13):2101,
- DZ Radecki, J Samanta. Isolation and culture of neural stem cells from adult mouse subventricular zone for genetic and pharmacological treatments with proliferation analysis. (2022) Star Protocols, PMID: 35146452
- B Zotter, O Dagan, J Brady, H Baloui, J Samanta, JL Salzer. Gli1 regulates the postnatal acquisition of peripheral nerve architecture (2021). Journal of Neuroscience, PMID: 34772739
- J Samanta, HM Silva, JJ Lafaille, JL Salzer. Transcriptomic analysis of loss of Gli1 in neural stem cells responding to demyelination in the mouse brain (2021). Scientific Data , PMID: 34711861
- DE Marzan, V Verdon, BL West, S Liddelow, J Samanta, JL Salzer. Activated microglia drive demyelination via CSF1R signaling (2021). Glia, PMID: 33620118.
- DZ Radecki, HM Messling, JR Haggerty-Skeans, SK Bhamidipati, ED Clawson, CA Overman, MM Thatcher, JL Salzer, J Samanta. Relative Levels of Gli1 and Gli2 Determine the Response of Ventral Neural Stem Cells to Demyelination. (2020) Stem Cell Reports , PMID: 33125874.
- J Samanta, EM Grund, HM Silva, JJ Lafaille, G Fishell, JL Salzer. Inhibition of Gli1 mobilizes endogenous neural stem cells for remyelination. (2015) Nature , PMID: 26416758.
- J Samanta, JL Salzer. Myelination: actin disassembly leads the way. (2015) Developmental Cell , PMID: 26218317.
- J Samanta, T Alden, K Gobeske, L Kan, JA Kessler. Noggin protects against ischemic brain injury in rodents. (2010) Stroke , PMID: 20019326
- J Samanta, JA Lyons. Keystone Symposium on Multiple Sclerosis. (2009) Future Medicine 4 (3), 279-281
- J Samanta, MA Bonaguidi, JA Kessler. The TGF-beta family in neural and neuronal differentiation and development (2008) COLD SPRING HARBOR MONOGRAPH SERIES 50, 819
- J Samanta, GM Burke, T McGuire, AJ Pisarek, A Mukhopadhyay, Y Mishina, JA Kessler. BMPR1a signaling determines numbers of oligodendrocytes and calbindin-expressing interneurons in the cortex (2007) Journal of Neuroscience , PMID: 17626200
- MA Bonaguidi, T McGuire, M Hu, L Kan, J Samanta, JA Kessler. LIF and BMP signaling generate separate and discrete types of GFAP-expressing cells (2005) Development , PMID: 16314487
- J Samanta, JA Kessler. Interactions between ID and OLIG proteins mediate the inhibitory effects of BMP4 on oligodendroglial differentiation (2004) Development , PMID: 15280210
- U Guha, WA Gomes, J Samanta, M Gupta, FL Rice, JA Kessler. Target-derived BMP signaling limits sensory neuron number and the extent of peripheral innervation in vivo (2004) Development , PMID: 14973275.
US Patent: Salzer JL, Samanta J and Fishell GJ, Method for enhancing remyelination using Gli1 inhibitors, 2015
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